Mothering is "the ​process of ​caring for ​children as ​their ​mother or of ​caring for ​people in the way that a ​mother does". We'll say that "as a mother does" is with "care and affection". I realize this is not everyone's experience with their own mother, or with other mothers, but my personal goal as a mother is to love my children in such a way that will please God. What that looks like for me will not be what it looks like for you. It is a very personal matter. We all have our own gifts and experiences that influence us and affect the way we interact with and associate with others inside and outside our homes. There are many variables in each and every day that will create a situation where our mothering looks and feels different. Each child is born with their own personality, ability, and purpose. Each moment with each child is an opportunity to be a leader and a teacher. Each mistake is a chance to learn and to forgive. What mothering looks like in the various places we find ourselves in within this life experience changes as we change and as our children change. My hope is to always keep an eternal perspective and to recognize God's way of mothering.


As a mother we need to nurture our children, we need to create an environment within our homes where the ability to care for the growth and development of our children is our "job", our work, our focus. Self-care is also an important part of being the best mother you can be.


Whether we send our children out the door for secular learning, or choose to manage that learning within the home, our role as teachers to our children is one to consider seriously and with great care. When children have developmental delays or other needs that require special insight and training, our opportunities to be an advocate for our child increase.


Sending our children out into the community during their various stages of growth requires a certain amount of faith in them, in others, and in whether you feel that you've prepared them well to handle whatever society throws at them.


Guiding the spiritual development of our children is probably the most important role as a mother. Having a church family to help in that endeavor can be a major benefit.